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- Mc Kläder och Tillbehör sedan 2009 - Fysisk butik i Göteborg & Halmstad -
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3 739
4 399
4 399
4 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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4 299
4 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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5 799
5 999
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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5 799
5 999
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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4 399
4 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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4 199
4 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
Teknisk info under fliken Beskrivning längre ner...
4 299
4 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
Teknisk info under fliken Beskrivning längre ner...
7 199
7 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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7 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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7 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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7 199
7 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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5 999
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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5 999
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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6 066
6 499
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
Teknisk info under fliken Beskrivning längre ner...
5 599
5 999
The Roop Dryo Monosuit from SCOTT is a highly insulated snowmobile Monosuit designed for those especially cold days. Constructed using a heavy duty 2-layer outershell and equipped with all the features you could need, this warm and technical monosuit is ready and waiting for your next snowmobile adventure.
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3 095
Snowcore RXT är en skoterdräkt som byggts av bondat Blue Core Tex-tyg. Själva yttyget avvisar smuts och fukt effektivt och DryTek-membranet ser till att du håller dig torr och välventilerad. Två fickor finns framtill, en vattentät innerficka för telefon och även en ficka för goggles. En stor dragkedja för ventilation finns framtill. Den avtagbara huvan...
3 595
Snowcore Evo 2.0 är Sweep-kollektionens bärande kraft, eftersom dess egenskaper räcker till för de flesta skoterförare. Iselet-tyget är speciellt utvecklat för vinterförhållanden och tillsammans med Dry-Tek -membranet skapar det en helhet som andas och håller för vatten och är svårt att tävla mot i pris och kvalitet. Snowcore Evo 2.0 tar gärna med dig...
4 495
Sweep Amur är en onepiece snöskoteroverall i Tri-Tex ytmaterial som är slitstarkt och andas. Flerlagerslaminerat Tri-Tex tyg är inte enbart fuktavstötande, utan är trots det väldigt flexibelt och passar sportig körning. Under ytmaterialet finns Sweeps Dry-Tek II tryckförseglade membran, vars vattenpelare kommer nära 20 000H2O/24h och andningsbarheten är...
4 495
Sweep Amur är en onepiece snöskoteroverall i Tri-Tex ytmaterial som är slitstarkt och andas. Flerlagerslaminerat Tri-Tex tyg är inte enbart fuktavstötande, utan är trots det väldigt flexibelt och passar sportig körning. Under ytmaterialet finns Sweeps Dry-Tek II tryckförseglade membran, vars vattenpelare kommer nära 20 000H2O/24h och andningsbarheten är...
4 495
Sweep Amur är en onepiece snöskoteroverall i Tri-Tex ytmaterial som är slitstarkt och andas. Flerlagerslaminerat Tri-Tex tyg är inte enbart fuktavstötande, utan är trots det väldigt flexibelt och passar sportig körning. Under ytmaterialet finns Sweeps Dry-Tek II tryckförseglade membran, vars vattenpelare kommer nära 20 000H2O/24h och andningsbarheten är...